Ripe Tomatoes was a sketch show I co-created and executive produced for The Oxygen Network. The episodes were directed by Danny Kaplan with cinematography by Kurt Brabee; these guys and their talented crew made this low-budget show look anything but.

Porn for people who love to watch people cry.

Written by Tamara Bick and David Razowsky.
Featuring Emmy Laybourne, me, and a wig that I miss dearly.

Tracy Vilar is one of the funniest mo-fo’s on the planet.
Here she and I are in a sketch written by Mike Loprete.

This piece is dedicated to my dearly departed Great Aunt Naomi, the craziest old bat I ever had the pleasure to know and love.
“SCIENTIST RIVALRY” – I wrote this sketch in honor of my oldest brother
who is a bio-genetic researcher and makes discoveries that I can’t even spell.
“LADY LIBERTY” – One of my favorites. Written by Cindy Caponera and
starring Emmy Laybourne, Joy Gohring and Kevin Ruf.