
Ripe Tomatoes was a sketch show I co-created and executive produced for The Oxygen Network. The episodes were directed by Danny Kaplan with cinematography by Kurt Brabee; these guys and their talented crew made this low-budget show look anything but.

Grieving Widow
Grieving Widow

Porn for people who love to watch people cry.

Driving Instructions
Driving Instructions

Written by Tamara Bick and David Razowsky.
Featuring Emmy Laybourne, me, and a wig that I miss dearly.

Steam Room
Steam Room

Tracy Vilar is one of the funniest mo-fo’s on the planet.
Here she and I are in a sketch written by Mike Loprete.

Great Aunt Naomi
Great Aunt Naomi

This piece is dedicated to my dearly departed Great Aunt Naomi, the craziest old bat I ever had the pleasure to know and love.

“SCIENTIST RIVALRY” – I wrote this sketch in honor of my oldest brother
who is a bio-genetic researcher and makes discoveries that I can’t even spell.

“LADY LIBERTY” –  One of my favorites.  Written by Cindy Caponera and
starring Emmy Laybourne, Joy Gohring and Kevin Ruf.