Uh, Anyone Got An Emmy Dress Lying Around?
I am humbled, honored, and flat-out gobsmacked to say that I have been nominated for a Creative Arts Emmy. Here’s some proof so you know it’s not just the Sharpie-sniffing
Sometimes I write about being a mom.
Sometimes I write about being a 14-year-old boy trapped in the body of a mom.
I am humbled, honored, and flat-out gobsmacked to say that I have been nominated for a Creative Arts Emmy. Here’s some proof so you know it’s not just the Sharpie-sniffing
…which means it’s time for some bad singing, some painfully awkward dance moves, and some hot, heavy, UTI-inducing Parental Love. Click, watch, and learn. (And then go wash your eyeballs
I’ll be appearing on “The Doctors”, discussing “MomHead”, “How Not to Calm a Child on a Plane”, and offering helpful hints for performing emergency brain surgery! And if you’re not
For the longest time I was not ready to have kids. I was on the pill, used a diaphragm, and would have my husband triple bag it on our bi-annual
(as seen in www.womensconference.org ) You’re going to be dead soon. That’s what I say to myself every morning when I look in the mirror. And no, it’s not my